
Sun trine saturn in natal chart
Sun trine saturn in natal chart

sun trine saturn in natal chart

Music is perhaps the language that Mercury–Neptune people can understand. To attempt to put this into a straitjacket is sacrilege, for the type needs to have its imagination captured before it can learn. Mercury–Neptune is blessed with a highly imaginative and fertile mind. They need to be taught imaginatively, and to be inspired. Typically things like spelling, map-reading, math, and following formulas don’t come easily to the Mercury–Neptune person. Certainly the hard contacts are common in the charts of dyslexic people or in others who have learning abilities. Those with hard aspects often feel easily discouraged about their capacity to express themselves in the written word. This may be the person who can convey images through words or one who bypasses words altogether and communicates through some other art form. Thus the individual often has a gift for images or music. Neptune commonly undermines the rational, objective function of Mercury, but in return enhances the individual’s non-rational perception and ability to communicate, especially non-verbally.

sun trine saturn in natal chart

In the process of infiltrating another’s mind, the Mercury–Neptune person seems capable of not only perceiving what is there and absorbing it for themselves, but also of subtly changing it. This gives an innate talent for psychology. The boundary between their thinking and everyone else’s seems very weak. They can often seemingly infiltrate other people’s The typical Mercury–Neptune person is excepti onally sensitive toĮxternal influences. This can subtly change someone’s way of thinking or feeling, and perhaps undermining their opinions or inspire them in a new direction. This type has a talent for manipulating the light of a situation. For Mercury-–Neptune the truth is adjustable. The typical Mercury–-Neptune person has a gift for distorting reality, which can be either highly creative or dangerously misleading. As always, Saturn craves whatever planetary principle it touches, and Moon–Saturn individual craves nurturance, a home, and a family. They must learn to take a few risks with their emotional responses and with emotional life in general.

sun trine saturn in natal chart

Moon–Saturn may have needed a few defenses as a child but as an adult the goal must be to feel safe enough to be able to drop at least some of these defenses. This often involves conforming, in a bid to elicit the approval that they need. The classic Moon–Saturn type feels vulnerable, and is scared of being hurt, and thus will behave in a way the individual considers to be as socially acceptable as possible. Here we have an individual who tries very hard to please.

sun trine saturn in natal chart

The child receives early messages that they will be loved only if they behave in a certain kind of way: responsible and unobtrusive, staying in the background, not getting under people’s feet. The Moon–Saturn child generally gets the message early on that it has to be self-sufficient. Very often, Moon–Saturn had to grow up rather early and, rather like Sun–Saturn, missed out on the maturation process, so that there is often a delay in the emotional development of the individual. There is often a feeling of the ‘trapped child’ in the personality of the Moon–Saturn type.

Sun trine saturn in natal chart